Wednesday, January 17, 2007

"A case of isolated axillary hyperhidrosis successfully treated topically with 1% glycopyrronium cream - Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, November 2006"


There are a few more articles related to using Glycopyrronium cream topically, which I will post in time.'s "Secure Wipes" are an example of tropical
Glycopyrronium. I ordered these in the past at the strongest concentration (3.0%) to try on my hands - I noticed little relief. However, I have read that people have had success applying it to their forehead. I imagine that a cream would be easier to apply than the "Secure Wipes" oxypad type applicators. In any case, I wonder why products like Drysol don't come in a cream as seems that they would absorb more efficiently.


Windy Lampson said...

Hi, I just read your comment on my site. Yes, I am big on routines and definitely use them with antihydral, as well as with certain dry. I first began using antihydral once a day before I went to bed. After you put it on, you have to blow dry it with a hairdryer or you will just sweat it right off. I used it on my hands and feet and just left it on all night. I did this every single night for two weeks. I don't remember how many days it took before it was working well, but it was definitely less than two weeks. Then I started using it every other day. At this point, I use it twice a week (Tuesdays and Saturdays). On Thursdays, I use Certain Dry. It's found in the deoderant aisle (in a box). I don't think it really does anything for my hands and feet, although I put it on them anyway. It does, however, completely stop all of the armpit sweating. It makes you itch really bad so I literally put it on RIGHT before I go to sleep, hoping that I will be asleep before I start scratching. Sometimes I don't fall asleep right away, and it keeps me up for awhile, but it's still worth it to me. Anyway, I hope that helps. I have to say though, that this condition is a HUGELY mental thing. My Grandfather is a doctor and says that he's never seen a worse case than mine, but I keep my anxiety in check pretty well, and as you know, we sweat the most when we're anxious. It also helps that I don't spend a lot of time thinking about it... I used to, and it was worse then. Your blog, as well as other hyperhidrosis blogs, are extremely helpful and create a good support system for other people out there, but if it causes you to think about it every day, or more than you would, then is it affecting you negatively? If you think about it less during the day, do you think that you would sweat less? I don't know, I just thought I would mention that as food for thought-

Hyperhidrosis said...

Thanks for the reply! All of your points are well taken. Ironically, my condition has gotten worse over the years, but I am not as concerned about it as I used to be. Perhaps I am maturing, caring less about what others think. However, it is still debilitating at times, particularly at work and, to me, this is not acceptable...since it effects my work output.

Anyways, I am going to try your tip about using a hairdryer with the antihydral. Thanks again!